Strona 1 z 1


: 12 listopada 2006, 19:09
autor: jpro747

I was wondering whether the SBS-1 is a popular piece of equipment in Poland, Over here it is very popular and someone has set up a website so that we can share our SBS-1 feeds, you can watch traffic live in your airspace with Google Earth or Google Maps!! I use the website a lot when its clear skies, so I can prepare myself If i see one approaching my house.

Here is the website:


Re: SBS-1

: 12 listopada 2006, 20:07
autor: grztus
Thank you contrailsUK for the link!

In Poland SBS-1 isn't popular. Most of us have a problem to save some money for cameras and lenses and the SBS is very expensive for us. Polish spotters usually buy some radio scanner like Maycom AR108/FR100 and use it with freeware ACARSD software. Of course it isn't as good solution as SBS station, but it's the cheapiest way for us, to get some vision of air traffic situation over Poland.